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Huntley National Association
Established in 1947

HNA By-laws

August 2016

Article I - Name and Purpose

Name. The name of this organization shall be Huntley National Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”).
Purpose. The purpose of the Association is:
  1. To honor and perpetuate the memory of John Huntley (Huntly), the immigrant, and his descendants, as well as any other Huntley (Huntly) who migrated from the British Isles to North America.
  2. To collect and preserve genealogical records of the Huntley (Huntly) family.
  3. To foster a spirit of fellowship and friendliness among the Huntley (Huntly) descendants.
  4. And other purposes the membership wishes, in keeping with the stated purpose of the Association.

Article II - Membership

Class of Members. There shall be two classes of members.
  1. Those meeting the membership requirements set forth in paragraph A of Section 2 of this Article, and eligible to vote and hold elected or appointed office.
  2. Non-voting members.
Requirements for Voting Membership
  1. All persons who by birth or marriage can trace their relationship to any Huntley or Huntly who migrated from the British Isles to North America may become voting members of this Association upon payment of annual dues and upon reaching the age of eighteen, provided however, that full-time college students may be exempted from payment of annual dues until they have reached the age of twenty-two.
  2. Any member who reaches the age of 80 (was 75) before an annual meeting, or any member who, by unanimous acclaim at any annual meeting so voted, shall be given Life Membership, and shall no longer be assessed for payment of annual dues. (minor and life members eliminated)
Non-Voting Members, Who May Not Hold Office
  1. Persons not meeting the qualifications stated in Section 2, Paragraph A, but having an interest in the purpose of the Association, may, upon majority vote of the members at an annual meeting, become a “Friend Of The Association”.
Termination of Membership
  1. No member of this Association shall be terminated from membership except for resignation or non-payment of dues.
  2. A life member shall be considered to have resigned upon failure to return to the Membership Secretary-Treasurer the requested acknowledgement of receipt of the membership card.
  3. The name of any member whose mail has been returned as “Undeliverable” shall be placed on the list of Inactive Members.

Article III - Meeting of Members

Annual Meeting. An annual meeting of the members shall be held at a place determined by the preceding annual meeting or by the President with the advice of the Executive Board, for the purpose of electing officers and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.
The time of the Annual Meeting shall be between July 1st to August 15.
Notice. Written notice stating the place, days, and hours of the Annual Meeting of the members shall be delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, postage pre-paid, addressed to the active member at the address of the active member as it appears on the records of the Association.
Manner of Acting. The act of a majority of the members present at a meeting of the members at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the members.
Quorum. A quorum of the membership shall be deemed to exist when fifteen (was 25) of the voting members are present.

Article IV - Assessment of Members

General Expenses
  1. General expenses of the Association shall be met by the assessment of the annual dues.
  2. The amount of the annual dues is to be adjusted at the annual meeting by a majority vote of the members present and based on the recommendations of the Membership Secretary-Treasurer.
Unusual Expenses. A small registration fee may be charged to all voting members attending an annual meeting, based upon the recommendations of the Membership Secretary-Treasurer.
Dues are payable in advance of the annual meeting, upon receipt of notice of amount due.
Any member who elects to pay double or more the dues assessment for one year shall be designated as “Sustaining Member”.

Article V - Executive Board

General. The business affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Board consisting of the elected Officers, the immediate Past-President, chairpersons of all standing and special committees and at least two Members-at-Large appointed by the President.
Term. The term of office for each member of the Executive Board shall be the same as for the office the member holds in the Association and one year for the Members-At-Large.
Meetings of the Executive Board
  1. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at the discretion of the President at the same place as the annual meeting of the members, or alternatively, on notification by the President (to allow for meetings and communications via email).
  2. Quorum. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be deemed to exist when at least four members are present.
  3. Manner of Acting. The act of the majority of the members of The Executive Board shall be the act of the members.

Article VI - Officers

General. The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary-Treasurer, Historian and Webmaster.
Selection and Term. The Officers of the Association shall be elected by the membership at its annual meeting. Each Officer shall hold office until a successor shall have been duly elected.
Vacancies. A vacancy which occurs in any office, under this Article, for any reason, may be filled by the Executive Board for the unexpired portion of the term.
Appointed Officers. A Chaplain and a Quartermaster, and at least two Members-At-Large shall be appointed by the President.

Article VII - Financial

General. The Association shall use its funds only to accomplish the purposes specified in these By-Laws.
Authority for Expenditure. The Membership Secretary-Treasurer or the President shall authorize reasonable and necessary expenditure of funds. The Membership Secretary-Treasurer shall have authority to make all disbursements and pay all expenses incurred by the Association.
Receipts. All monies, including annual dues, payable to the Association, shall be received by the Membership Secretary-Treasurer.
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1st to June 30th.

Article VIII - Documentation Responsibilities

The Membership Secretary-Treasurer shall qualify applicants, issue membership cards, maintain a database of the names and addresses of the members entitled to vote, and keep the financial book and records of the Association. The Membership Secretary-Treasurer shall generate and mail dues notices and life membership acknowledgements once a year.

The Recording Secretary shall generate the minutes of any meeting of the Association and shall maintain a registration book, which includes names of reunion attendees and any meeting minutes.

The Recording Secretary shall further maintain the reunion registration book by meeting and greeting attendees at the Friday Early Birds gathering and on Saturday and Sunday before the gathering.

The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for printing and mailing the spring bulletin and mailing the reunion booklets using the names and addresses based on the Membership-Secretary-Treasurer’s database.
The Reunion hosts shall be responsible for generating one copy of the spring bulletin to forward to the Corresponding Secretary.
The President shall be responsible for the generation and printing of reunion booklets.

Article IX - Dissolution Procedures

General. In the event of dissolution, the Association’s assets will be used to pay its debts and obligations. Any assets remaining will be given to the Historical Association of Lyme, CT.

Article X - Amendments

General. The By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, or new By-Laws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the members by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present.